RPA TIP 2025 - 2028 Handout (10-31-24)Below are the various RPA8 planning document descriptions, links to the plan can be found below their description, please scroll to the document center to view older planning documents.
Section VI: Affirmative Action Program - IADOT
This program is designed and will be utilized to correct the efforts of systematic discrimination relative to female and minority employment with the Iowa Department of Transportation.
Section VI: Affirmative Action Program - IADOT
Section VI: Affirmative Action Program
This program is designed and will be utilized to correct the efforts of systematic discrimination relative to female and minority employment.
Section VI: Affirmative Action Program Plan
Section VI: Affirmative Action Program Assurances
This program is designed and will be utilized to correct the efforts of systematic discrimination relative to female and minority employment.
Section VI: Affirmative Action Program Assurances
Section VI: Affirmative Action Program Plan
This program is designed and will be utilized to correct the efforts of systematic discrimination relative to female and minority employment.
Section VI: Affirmative Action Program Plan
Title VI Plan
Title VI Plans are designed to ensure that no person is excluded from participating in, or denied the benefits of services on the basis of race, color, or national origin, as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This plan was developed to guide the ECIA admiration and management of Title VI-related activities.
RPA 8 Title VI Plan
ECIA Title VI Plan
Limited English Proficiency Plan
LEP plans are designed to ensure that where substantial numbers of residents of the region exist who do not speak or read English proficiently; there will be access to RPA 8 transportation planning process, plans, and published information, and that public notification is provided in other languages.
RPA 8 LEP Plan
Equal Employment Opportunity
ECIA does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, creed, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, family status, religion, sex, veteran status, national origin, age, mental or physical disability, or any characteristics protected by law.
Equal Employment Opportunity
RPA Long Range Transportation Plan
A long-range transportation plan focuses on transportation related issues in a specific area over a 20-year period. This plan is required by federal law and is designed to provide a view of the current transportation trends in the area as well as to aid in projecting potential changes for the area into the future.
Public Involvement Plan (PIP)
RPA Public Involvement Plan was developed due to a need for proactive citizen involvement in the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and all other planning activities conducted by RPA 8.
RPA 8 Public Involvement Plan
RPA Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
A Transportation Improvement Program is the Regional Planning Affiliation 4-year financial implementation program listing of transportation improvement projects eligible for Federal funding.
RPA TIP 2025 - 2028 (10-31-24)
RPA TIP 2025 - 2028 Handout (10-31-24)
RPA Transportation Planning Work Program (TPWP)
The Transportation Planning Work Program outlines various transportation planning activities to be conducted by the East Central Intergovernmental Association as the staff of the Regional Planning Affiliation.
Passenger Transportation Plan (PTP)
The Passenger Transportation Plan (PTP) required for Iowa's 9 Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and 18 Regional Planning Affiliations (RPAs) is designed to promote passenger transportation planning programs that further the development of the state's public transportation systems.
RPA PTP FY 2021-2025
DMATS-RPA Regional ITS Architecture Report
The DMATS and RPA 8 Regional ITS Architecture is a roadmap for transportation systems deployment and integration in the Dubuque metro area and the adjacent six counties (Clinton, Delaware, Dubuque, Jackson, Jo Daviess, and Grant).
DMATS-RPA Regional ITS Architecture Report

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