Below are the descriptions of each DMATS planning document, , links to the planning document can be found below their description, please scroll to the document archives to view older planning documents.
Title VI: Affirmative Action Program
DMATS Quiet Zone Study
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance and recommendations to the members of DMATS
regarding designation of new railroad quiet zones.
DMATS Quiet Zone Study
Dubuque’s Path Forward to Improved Air Quality
The plan details the area’s efforts to reduce levels of NOx and VOCs thereby reducing PM 2.5 in the area.
Dubuque’s Path Forward to Improved Air Quality
Dubuque Intelligent Transportation System Plan
The ITS plan provides a strategy for the application and integration of new and/or enhanced opportunities for the implementation of ITS applications with in Dubuque and surrounding areas.
Dubuque Intelligent Transportation System Plan
Passenger Transportation Plan (PTP)
The Passenger Transportation Plan is an annually updated document that outlines existing service, identifies gaps in service, and proposes projects to fil those gaps.
Passenger Transportation Plan (PTP) FY 21-25
DMATS Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)
A long-range transportation plan focuses on transportation related issues in a specific area over a 20-year period. This plan is required by federal law and is designed to provide a view of the current transportation trends in the area as well as to aid in projecting potential changes for the area into the future.
DMATS Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) 2050
DMATS Performance Measures Report 2024
DMATS Public Participation Plan (PPP)
DMATS Public Participation Plan was developed due to a need for proactive citizen involvement in the Dubuque Metro Area Transportation Study (DMATS).
DMATS Public Participation Plan (PPP)
DMATS-Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
A Transportation Improvement Program is the Regional Planning Affiliation 4-year financial implementation program listing of transportation improvement projects eligible for Federal funding.
2025-2028 Final TIP
2025-2028 Final TIP - Handout
2024-2027 Final Amended
2024-2027 Final Amended - Handout
2024-2027 FINAL TIP IL & WI
Transportation Planning Work Program (TPWP)
The Transportation Planning Work Program outlines various transportation planning activities to be conducted by the East Central Intergovernmental Association.
DMATS TPWP FY 2025 - Handout
Tri-State Area Integrated Walking, Bicycling and Hiking Network Plan
The Tri-State Area Integrated Walking, Bicycling and Hiking Network Plan identifies existing network needs and recommends projects that will further enhance and improve the conditions for walkers, bikers and hikers within the Tri-State area.
Tri-State Area Integrated Walking, Bicycling and Hiking Network Plan
DMATS-RPA Regional ITS Architecture Report
The DMATS and RPA 8 Regional ITS Architecture is a roadmap for transportation systems deployment and integration in the Dubuque metro area and the adjacent six counties (Clinton, Delaware, Dubuque, Jackson, Jo Daviess, and Grant).
DMATS-RPA Regional ITS Architecture Report

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