Dubuque Metropolitan Area Transportation Study & Regional Planning Affiliation 8

Jackson County Zoning Ordinance Update

The Jackson County Zoning Department is working to update the county's Zoning Ordinance. This website will be used to share project information and progress updates, collect public input, and list meeting notices. Check back often to track progress of the project.

Zoning Ordinance
Learn about the purpose and application of a county zoning ordinance here and the current Jackson County Zoning Ordinance here.

County Vision, Goals and Objectives
Guidance for updating the Zoning Ordinance will come from Jackson County’s vision, goals, and objectives set forth in the 2022 Land Use Policy and 2024 Comprehensive Plan as well as from public input. Broad goals for the update are:

  • Create a user-friendly and better organized format
  • Address concerns with uses and development regulations
  • Create a new residential district for older subdivisions
  • Reference most recent Iowa code provisions
  • Add tables, illustrations, and definitions for clarity

Draft Chapters
As they become available, draft chapters for the Zoning Ordinance Update can be reviewed here

January 20th, 2025 Zoning Commission Work Session Packet
February 17th, 2025 Zoning Commission Work Session Packet
March 10th, 2025 Zoning Commission Work Session Packet

Your Ideas
Click here to provide your ideas for the Zoning Ordinance Update.

Zoning Commission Meetings
The Jackson County Zoning Commission is scheduled to meet monthly on the third Monday in the Community Conference Room, Jackson County Courthouse, 201 W. Platt Street, Maquoketa, Iowa and via Zoom. Meeting times and Zoom links may vary, so visit the Jackson County Zoning Department website for the latest information on Commission meeting times, agenda items, and Zoom links.

During these meetings, the Commission will review updates at work sessions, usually after regular agenda items. Commission discussion will be limited to the draft chapters scheduled for review. Public input will be limited. The Commission will not vote on any updates until a public hearing has been set.

More Information
Visit the Jackson County Zoning Department website for more information about the project. 

The East Central Intergovernmental Association (ECIA) is helping the County with the project. ECIA is a regional council of governments that serves 5 counties in Northeast Iowa in 6 broad categories:  Community Development, Economic Development, Housing Assistance, Special Programs, Transit, and Transportation and Planning. Learn more at www.ecia.org

Please send any questions or comments on the project to ECIA Senior Planner Laura Carstens at lcarstens@ecia.org