Dubuque Metropolitan Area Transportation Study & Regional Planning Affiliation 8

Hazard Mitigation Plan Draft Chapters
The Hazard Mitigation Plan is organized into chapters. Chapter 1. is the Introduction, Chapter 2. gives a profile of the county, Chapter 3. is the risk assessment, Chapter 4. identifies a mitigation strategy and Chapter 5. goes over implementing and maintaining the plan. 

Comments and questions about one or more of the draft chapters can be submitted through the Your Ideas link on this website. Click here to provide comments on any of the chapters. 

Comments and questions can also be emailed to ECIA Development Coordinator Dawn Danielson at ddanielson@ecia.org. 

Draft Chapters

Chapter 1. Introduction and Planning Process
Chapter 2. Planning Area Profile and Capabilities
Chapter 3. Risk Assessment
Chapter 4. Mitigation Strategy
Chapter 5. Plan Maintenance Process