Dubuque Metropolitan Area Transportation Study & Regional Planning Affiliation 8

Jackson County Comprehensive Plan

Jackson County, Iowa has adopted its first comprehensive plan. The Jackson County Board of Supervisors adopted the comprehensive plan on June 25th, 2024. The plan will chart a course for the future of the county. 

Final Plan
You can review the full version of the final comprehensive plan here.

Final Shared Vision
The shared vision is a statement that is designed for Jackson County to declare where the community wants to be in the future. To see the shared vision, click the link here

Final Chapters
Draft chapters for the comprehensive plan can be reviewed here
Executive Summary Final

The survey process for the plan has been completed. We are no longer accepting responses at this time. 
Final Survey Results Report

Your Ideas
The form has been closed at this time. 

More Information
Visit the What is a Comprehensive Plan? page to learn about the value of comprehensive planning. 
Visit the Planning Process page for additional details on the process of updating Jackson County's Comprehensive Plan.

The East Central Intergovernmental Association (ECIA) is helping the County with the plan. ECIA is a regional council of governments that serves 5 counties in Northeast Iowa in 6 broad categories:  Community Development, Economic Development, Housing Assistance,  Special  Programs, Transit, and Transportation and Planning. Learn more at www.ecia.org.

Please send questions or comments on the comprehensive plan to ECIA Senior Planner Laura Carstens at lcarstens@ecia.org.